TRU Drops is a daily nutritional supplement

Enhance your cognitive and physical performance today

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TRU Drops Benefits

Physical Endurance

Reach new fitness heights. Run farther, lift weights longer, and shorten your rest periods for maximum performance.

Mental Endurance

Improve focus, clarity, and resilience during extended periods of mental effort or challenging tasks.

Enhanced Respiratory

Improve oxygen delivery, leading to better muscle recovery and increased strength.

Instant Energy

Get an instant, energising boost from a 0.5ml drop to naturally keep you awake and alert throughout the day.

Sinus Relief

Open your sinuses like never before, enhancing productivity and improving your quality of life.

Stress Relief

Promote relaxation and ease tension, leading to better sleep quality, an improved quality of life, and overall well-being.

Did you know?

Breathing can improve sports performance by 15%. Our formula is designed to help you achieve better breathing.

Valued by our community

AYR Goods Limited (Verified)

Amazing product

Would recommend. Helped me with my long endurance running and training in the gym. I suffer from asthma, particularly in the summer during hayfever season and this has helped a lot.

Angkaran Krishnakumar (Verfied)

Best on the market!

My first order of tru drops and it’s been a game changer for me. One drop and WOW! I’ve seen improvements in my gym performance, I can run for longer, and practise good breathing.

Jeremiah Unum (Verfied)


I love this, I''m on my second bottle already. My workouts have been transformed. I have never felt so re-freshing and energetic in life It has also proven a quick antidote to my allergies.